Functional rehabilitation incorporates clinical lifestyle recommendations, manual treatments and functional exercise regimes to help patients regain normal function of their spine and limbs returning patients to their active daily lifestyles.

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Therapy begins by identifying faulty patterns of movement often resulting from poor posture, improper lifting mechanics, fitness training errors or injury. During the early stages, subtle changes in movement or muscle activation can go unnoticed by the patient not presenting any symptoms of pain or discomfort. However, over time, the increased stresses placed on the joints and surrounding soft-tissues can produce pain in muscles or joints and/or a loss in normal range of motion. In situations like these, pain is often the last thing to come. This means the dysfunction is present but does not become painful immediately. As we treat you, pain is the first thing to go which means the pain may subside but the problem may still be there requiring a few more treatments to correct the true underlying cause of the problem.

Our approach

Here at Resilient Medical Services, we do not chase pain. It is important to understand that often times where the pain presents is not the area that needs to be treated. The pain may be due to that area compensating and being over-worked from another area not pulling its weight. Our functional rehabilitation program includes strength, flexibility and agility training as well as training focused on coordination of body parts and motion to prepare the individual to return to full participation.

This comprehensive and consistent approach works to retrain muscles, restore joint function, and prevent recurring injuries and doctor visits. Additionally, we will equip our patients with innovative techniques for maintaining proper posture, improving lifting mechanics or workouts, and determining “Do’s and Don’ts” related to certain jobs or daily activities. The effectiveness of this treatment protocol depends on the patient’s commitment to their therapeutic exercises and following the doctor’s recommendations. Improving the patient’s function, as opposed to simply managing the symptoms, can have a significant impact on injury reduction. Chiropractic adjustments make people feel better, but appropriate rehabilitation is essential for long- term positive outcomes.